Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Concept

All The Lost Pictures is sort of like a coping mechanism on my own time, and it's become a bit of a project of sorts where by the end of the 15 or so songs I'll probably end up spewing out it'll all be sort of cut and polished and compiled into a lyrical album of sorts, with a visual companion sort of thing like the liner notes to a CD and you'll have like all the little journal pieces I wrote with that and that'll be put into a book, just to sort of give me inspiration through the downtime, and then maybe from that I'll look into producing my own little rough cut of like the instruments and get a bit of a makeshift album in the process, but that's still far off.

So basically, it's an album in its own right, and here's where I'll post finished lyrics, revised lyrics, artwork and the little journal pieces where I talk about what inspired the album and the writing sessions and a lot of the little pieces (like the current "journal entry", the Our Summer Year mixtape), and hopefully some people will actually follow me through the process of making this metaphorical album. I'll also post up little bits about certain bands and photos and whatever's giving me inspiration along the way.

So why don't you join me? It'll be one hell of a ride.

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